
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27

你是否有不良信用记录完全没有信用,有几种方法可以贷款买一个很好的,新的车辆。你不需要勉强开那些有故障的,不安全的东西;即使你只有一点压根没有钱支付首付,也完全可以贷款买一辆令你非常自豪的,。例如,信用合作社对于新车贷款相当宽松。加入当地的信用合作社,成为几个月成员之后就可以申请贷款。但必须毫无隐瞒地解释任何你可能的信贷问题。信用合作社通常相对于你过去的信用记录更倾向于了解你当前的财务状况。银行和信用合作社将通常需要首付约车辆全价20 %~25%。如果你能负担得起这样的首付和月供,你能够通过信用合作社贷款一辆新车,即使你的信用文件可能有小问题



选车之前,询问售货员或信贷经理你支付的首付利率(这两个都是于你的信用评级而计算出的)。金融公司将给经销商信贷经理最低条件,但有些经销商可能会收取高的利率以赚取差价,特别是如果他们认为你没有其他选择的时候虽然如此,还是要对每一部分都进行商议——车辆价格利率首付。如果你选择通过信用社或银行获得贷款,你会有一些基本条款进行比较,即使你被拒绝了。不用说,信用不好就不会获得最有利的贷款,但你会发现你负担得起所选择的建立了一个按时还款记录(通常12 - 18个月)之后,你可能能够获得一个更好的贷款利率


Financing a New Car with Bad Credit

Whether you have poor credit or absolutely no credit, there are several ways to finance a good, new vehicle. You don't have to be stuck driving a broken down, undependable heap; you can get financed for a car that you'll be proud to drive, even if you have little or no money for a down payment. For instance, credit unions can be quite lenient on new car loan. Join a local credit union, and after you've been a member for a few months apply for a loan. But candidly explain any credit problems that you may have. Credit unions typically tend to be more interested in your current financial situation than your past credit history. Both credit unions and banks will usually require a down payment of about twenty- to twenty-five percent of the price of the car you'll be buying. If you can afford such a down payment and the monthly payments, you'll probably be able to finance a new car through the credit union, even though your credit file may be somewhat suspect.

However, if you're refused credit by the credit union and banks as well, then try to arrange financing through a car dealership, preferably a larger one in your area. Finance companies work with virtually every car dealership, but the larger dealers generally have greater financing leverage and more options. What's more, the major car manufacturers operate their own finance companies to help their dealers sell more cars. A dealer who can offer instant financing through the manufacturer can often win a sale without the customer leaving the showroom. Many different financing arrangements are available, so even customers with damaged credit are good prospects for auto dealer financing.

Additionally, larger dealers create huge profits for their affiliated finance companies, so they oftentimes can command preferential treatment, including credit approval on borderline or questionable loans. The bottom line is that if the car you select matches what you can afford, there's probably a program available that will get you financed.

Before you select your car, ask the salesman or credit manager about the down payment and interest rate you'll be paying (they'll both be dependent upon your credit rating). The finance company will give the dealership's credit manager their minimum terms, but some dealers may charge a higher interest rate and pocket the difference, especially if they suspect that you've got few other options. Nevertheless, negotiate everything – vehicle price, interest rate, and down payment. If you attempted to obtain financing through a credit union or bank, you'll have some basis for comparison, even if you were rejected. Needless to say, with poor credit you won't get the most advantageous financing, but you may find the car that meets your needs on terms that you can afford. And after you've built a history of on-time payments (usually twelve- to eighteen months), you'll probably be able to refinance into a better rate.

If you can't obtain financing through the dealership, you might consider a cosigner that will pledge his or her good credit for your loan. Lenders will overlook your poor credit record when you have a cosigner whose credit is strong. But make absolutely certain to be faithful to your obligation, because if you default you'll put at risk the cosigner's credit, and possibly your relationship with the person that trusted you with his or her good name.

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